an armchair politician as well as a daydreamer, I often find myself thinking:
“If I were President, I would…” Today, it would seem, is no different.
With all the talk about stop losses, deplorable conditions, casualty
rates, and GI Bills, I felt like proposing my own legislation to honor those
who serve this country.
so many promises made, and so few of them kept, it’s time we establish the
honor that we proclaim, by serving those who so nobly serve us. I am
hereby proposing my own legislation to whatever body politic will give it
consideration (knowing full well that a lack of consideration is not only the
possibility, but also the likelier). Herewith is what I am calling: The American Honored Service Act.
brave men and women serving in America’s armed services shall receive treatment
and care befitting heroes. The American Honored Service Act will
effectively end the trials and tribulations associated with an unfair process
that unduly burdens those who will, and who have, endured so much. With the highest gratitude of a
grateful nation, The American Honored Service Act will:
1. Automatically exempt all service
personnel and their families and survivors from federal taxation in perpetuity
when service has occurred in a forward combat area, police action, state of
war, or security situation, etc...
2. Implement “Soldier Assurance” whereby any guard or reservist personnel called to duty for a forward or combat situation will receive mandatory proper training equivalent to that of the regular/standard armed services branch requirements (emergency exempt). Placing men and women in combat requires proper training and equipment.
3. Equalization of combat pay and benefits regardless of standing in the guard or reserves or regular/career service. Placing men and women in combat requires equal pay for equal risk.
4. Provide expedited citizenship status for non-citizens serving in uniform with instant status to any personnel serving in a forward or combat situation or such voluntary personnel serving in the branches of the Armed Forces.
5. Establish the “Buddy System” whereby all service animals who are injured or retiring are given the same exemplary care and opportunities to live out their days in the peace and comfort for which they have sacrificed. The Buddy System will allow for:
A. Expedited
adoption services with service handler and service handler families given first
position to adopt
B. Allow for ease of transition to peacetime service in the public or private sector here at home
C. Promote similar American
Honored Service Act healthcare for service animals whereby service
assures veterinary care free of expense to owners
6. Establishes the “Ribbons Plan” (“Ribbons”)
for service personnel and their families during tours of duty by providing for:
A. Protection from seizure and foreclosure
of homes and assets (with greater legal repercussions for predatory lending and
unethical financial practices by banks, lenders, businesses, and organizations)
B. Exemption of all service personnel and their families from federal taxation during active duty and deployment
C. Immediate qualification for and greater and more immediate access to service benefits and federal assistance programs to the families of service personnel
7. Institute the “In Arms” program which
A. Assure quick and thorough evaluation
and assessment of all returning service personnel with special attention to any
and all personnel who are physically or mentally injured/disabled as a result
of combat
B. Consolidate all medical records into a single system that provides instant ease of overall evaluation of personnel for the purposes of:
I. assuring ongoing quality healthcare for
service personnel and their families
II. implementing expedited benefit and disability coverage for personnel and their families
III. streamlining and eliminating the taxing paperwork and campaigning processes endured by veterans and their families seeking the benefits deserved
C. Permanently
eliminate and dismiss any bills, costs, hidden fees expenses of any kind
associated with care received at any stage by an injured service person whether
such services are received through public, state or federal hospitals,
facilities or clinics, etc...
D. Establish the "Open System" whereby veterans are provided 100% cost-free medical care (including trauma, rehabilitation, general medical, pharmaceutical, counseling, ongoing and long term care) at any and every public medical facility of any type (for profit or not for profit hospitals, clinics, surgical centers, etc…) in the country. Healthcare providers of such care shall receive compensation from the government as per Medicare and Medicaid, with particular financial incentives to those healthcare facilities providing cost-free care of their own accord and merit, (in short: a hospital that provides free of charge service without seeking recompense from the government, shall be eligible for incentives such as greater tax incentives or preferred care status, grants for improvements and personnel hiring, etc...).
D. Establish the "Open System" whereby veterans are provided 100% cost-free medical care (including trauma, rehabilitation, general medical, pharmaceutical, counseling, ongoing and long term care) at any and every public medical facility of any type (for profit or not for profit hospitals, clinics, surgical centers, etc…) in the country. Healthcare providers of such care shall receive compensation from the government as per Medicare and Medicaid, with particular financial incentives to those healthcare facilities providing cost-free care of their own accord and merit, (in short: a hospital that provides free of charge service without seeking recompense from the government, shall be eligible for incentives such as greater tax incentives or preferred care status, grants for improvements and personnel hiring, etc...).
E. Increase funding
for all existing Veterans Administration facilities to assure a greater quality
of general and specialized service for all veterans
F. Increase funding for services for displaced and homeless veterans including housing placement, job placement, and continuing medical access and treatment
G. Assure that any funeral expenses are paid with rapidity and ease and without burden to families at a cost of 100% for suitable expenses
H. Ease the process of claiming and receiving survivors and spouse benefits. These benefits should be automatic and instantaneous as part of the return service to those who have given their lives. In short: no survivors should have to endure endless paperwork and overcoming egregious obstacles to receive the dignity for which his/her loved one has fought.
I. Create the “Medical Exchange Directive” (MED) in conjunction with private and public interests whereby educational programs (medical schools, universities, colleges, etc…) provide education through on-site service to veterans institutions and organizations for all healthcare students seeking such educational and training opportunities within the VA system. MED will increase the number of medical personnel in VA facilities and thereby increase the level of care for veterans while providing educational opportunities for a greater number of potentially specialized healthcare personnel. With a further commitment of VA service by such healthcare students, partial or complete education debt forgiveness could further incentivize service and assure quality of care.
J. Establish the “Veterans Advocacy Program” which will work within the VA system as well as the private and public sectors to assure all veterans and their families of assistance at all stages of matters regarding job placement, medical and mental rehabilitation, counseling, and veterans disabilities and benefits management
K. Establish the “Family Service Plan” which automatically provides and protects service personnel and their spouses, children, and relatives with the ability to take paid time off from work and/or school without retribution or recourse to employment or enrollment. Such days shall first be established as a general amount, with incremental increases depending on length of service, length of deployment/time spent away, family member status, and physical/mental status of the returning individual service person.
F. Increase funding for services for displaced and homeless veterans including housing placement, job placement, and continuing medical access and treatment
G. Assure that any funeral expenses are paid with rapidity and ease and without burden to families at a cost of 100% for suitable expenses
H. Ease the process of claiming and receiving survivors and spouse benefits. These benefits should be automatic and instantaneous as part of the return service to those who have given their lives. In short: no survivors should have to endure endless paperwork and overcoming egregious obstacles to receive the dignity for which his/her loved one has fought.
I. Create the “Medical Exchange Directive” (MED) in conjunction with private and public interests whereby educational programs (medical schools, universities, colleges, etc…) provide education through on-site service to veterans institutions and organizations for all healthcare students seeking such educational and training opportunities within the VA system. MED will increase the number of medical personnel in VA facilities and thereby increase the level of care for veterans while providing educational opportunities for a greater number of potentially specialized healthcare personnel. With a further commitment of VA service by such healthcare students, partial or complete education debt forgiveness could further incentivize service and assure quality of care.
J. Establish the “Veterans Advocacy Program” which will work within the VA system as well as the private and public sectors to assure all veterans and their families of assistance at all stages of matters regarding job placement, medical and mental rehabilitation, counseling, and veterans disabilities and benefits management
K. Establish the “Family Service Plan” which automatically provides and protects service personnel and their spouses, children, and relatives with the ability to take paid time off from work and/or school without retribution or recourse to employment or enrollment. Such days shall first be established as a general amount, with incremental increases depending on length of service, length of deployment/time spent away, family member status, and physical/mental status of the returning individual service person.
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