Sunday, September 9, 2012

Animal Blights



Brigitte Bardot was to the 50's and 60's what Pamela Anderson was to the 90's.  She was the ultimate pinup girl - the French version of Marilyn Monroe.  Brigitte retired in the 70's and became a full-time animal activist. Sometimes her menagerie of dogs and cats drove her St. Tropez neighbors batty.  (She created an uproar when she was among the first to give her dogs Prozac.)  Recently Bardot visited the president of France to discuss the plight of Canadian seals.  At 73 she's STILL fighting for animal rights.

With a life of pandering to her every desire, and with an oblivious confidence in her never-aging good looks, Madame Bardot, as part of her plan to tempt the French President to provide Canadian seal protections, removed her clothes and posed in some of the classic pin-up positions for which she became known.  After the brief meeting with the former idol, President Sarkozee promptly called for every French citizen to do his/her patriotic duty by immediately clubbing a seal.

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