Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nice Try Films: Getting Started

Working in the film business, I have been forwarded many email queries that have varied from quaint to bizarre.  Here is an actual email that I felt warranted some actual, special attention:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001  4:10 AM
Subject: my own business

hello, my name is cory.  One day I want to have my own distribution company.
please tell me how I can start my own company

Dear Cory,

Thank you for your e-mail message.  While we cannot answer every e-mail message on a personal level, we felt a quick response to your message was certainly a priority.

In order to start your own company, we recommend that you work hard, take your vitamins, and endear yourself to people with money.

Go get ‘em!


Nice Try Films 

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