Sunday, September 9, 2012

Xtreme Lawn Tractor Racing!

It’s the “National Association of X-Treme Lawn Tractor Racing” Weekend event on ESPN 4 (“The Quad”) (sponsored by Blue-Star Ointment and Anheuser Busch).  Who will take the coveted Bagger’s Cup?  Will it be Clay “The Clip Man” Carver, from Harker, Tennessee and Team John Deere?  Or will it be the sleeper cell, Chuck “Chowder-head” Ditmore from Westville, Maryland with his famed Team Troy-Bilt? 

Personally, I wouldn’t count out “Big BK” Bill Keaton and Team Husqvarna from Larter, Indiana.  Bill showed incredible poise in last month’s Precision Chipping and Edging event in Brandonburg, South Carolina even after it started thunder-storming.  The fact that he’s back so soon after a lightning strike says to me that Bill Keaton is in it to win.  But Team Husqvarna’s time trials have been a little less than stellar while breaking in a totally rebuilt lawn tractor.  Is it nerves or is it strategy?  You can bet that we’ll be keeping our eye on the orange tractor this fourth of July weekend.      

(I was totally joking when I wrote this.  However, upon trying to find a possible picture to accompany this, I have learned of the United States Lawn Mower Racing Association (USLMRA).  To learn more about what may well be the the most exciting thing to happen to wheeled racing, please visit:

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